Where did REDNECK LIBTARD come from

Where did REDNECK LIBTARD come from

So, how exactly has my lifelong fascination with comedy and humor in general developed to the point where I felt it necessary to form Terrifically Tasteless Tee's ???
Well, let me regale you with that story, now!
For almost all of my life, entertaining friends and family has been a top priority. By entertaining I mean parties, dinners, cookouts, themed block parties, long weekends with multiple friends/couples staying at our house, travel together etc....The importance of that fellowship cannot be overstated and remains one of the most soul-nourishing aspects of life in our household. Life without these activities would be much less fun and if I can be (just a tad) over-dramatic perhaps, life would not be worth living as much without these interactions, memories and fun times.
While not every single instance might involve intoxicants of one sort or another, it is a fair statement to say that the OVERWHELMING majority of such activities would include the use of beer, liquor, weed and gummies. Naturally, so long as everyone is able to monitor their personal intake and not let things get out of control, intoxicants just enhance the fun and associated activities.
As explained in the last post, we were hosting a girls weekend at our house for the weekend. The Supreme Court had just issued the decision that essentially overturned Roe vs Wade federally so of course this topic was in the news quite a bit and it was almost impossible not to be aware of the chatter occurring across the country related to the topic. Luckily, we have a very diverse set of friends and every possible political, religious and lifestyle approach is represented in our circle. It is a blessing to have such interesting and diverse personalities and perspectives  to draw from and at least in my memory I cannot remember where potentially divisive topics ever created any turmoil or hurt feelings across our friends. I think like most people, what we think and how we are different is not an obstacle for friendship and in our case, we actively seek out individuals that have alternate perspectives from our own. It is much more fun and interesting to socialize with people from all different stripes of opinions etc.... vs just hanging with people that look and think just like you.
It is getting late in the evening, intoxicants of choice are working their magic, and the discussion turns towards the Supreme Court decision and the implications for society we were predicting would result from the decision. One line of conversation leads to the next and before you know it we have spent over an hour discussing all sorts of political topics, the conversation very cordial and congenial and comfortable for all parties. As I wrap up a dissertation on my thoughts related to various social issues, a friend exclaims 'My goodness, there is no political party for you - you are all over the place!'
I replied instantly as if hit with a bolt of inspiration - 'Of course there is, you just probably haven't heard of the party because it isn't very well known right now.'
'Oh yeah?' she replied. 'What party is that?'
I replied as deadpanned as possible 'I'm a member of the Redneck Libtard party.'
The whole table paused for a second and then almost simultaneously, uproarious laughter. 'Redneck Libtard. That's great!'
And so an idea was born - we need tshirts for this.
political humor
When you look at the design, there is much more intellectual depth and sardonic humor than might be immediately apparent. The design is meant to poke fun at everyone and not really represent a political statement at all as much as it is a humorous commentary on society and both sides of the political division that has seemed to become much more commonplace. I think that division stinks. We get one run on this planet (so far as I know and believe at least) so why waste it yelling at each other over political stuff? Life is too short. Everyone might not agree with that approach and many may not actually see the humor and commentary that is intended with the shirt, and that is OK too. These are not meant for everyone. But they are meant to unite us in humor and trying to not take ourselves so seriously.
Join me next time as I start to break down some of the ideas and motivations behind the other shirts in our ever expanding line. Until then - MUCH LAUGHTER!!!!!!
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